Need chemicals?
Call or email our Chemicals department for prompt and friendly service.
Our large stock of chemicals with same day shipping will put your operations back online in no time.
Call or email our Chemicals department for prompt and friendly service.
Our large stock of chemicals with same day shipping will put your operations back online in no time.

Accurate DISHmachine Chemicals
By focusing on creating high quality, high concentration products, Accurate brand products can help lower traditional operational costs associated with maintaining a clean facility.
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ace chemical & equipment solutions
when clean is essential.
Discover huge savings by receiving Chemicals, Parts, Service, and Emergency-Service at no charge with one of our Dishwasher Lease Solutions. Inquire today
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ACCURATE kitchen chemicals
Sanitizers, Degreasers, Delimer, Glass Cleaners, Disinfectants, Oven Cleaner, and Floor Cleaner.
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laundry dispensing systems
Designed to reduce headaches & downtime - our dispenser systems are designed to minimize service calls and create a more profitable installation. They can be set up in concentration, probeless or auto switchover mode.
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accurate laundry chemicals
We offer Accurate Laundry concentrated Chemicals. All laundry products are injected into the laundry machine via a dispensing system based on the type of linen being laundered.
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No minimum orders
Sanitizers, Degreasers, Glass Cleaners, Disinfectants, Floor Cleaner, Oven Cleaner, Delimer, Hand Sanitizer, and All Purpose Cleaners.
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